Thank you for being a part of our first newsletter! September is a special month for me as it marks the three year anniversary that I, Daniel Richardson, have been apart of Freeway Ministries. I pray many newsletters can follow this one to bless your heart.
First Visit to Sanford Florida
At the end of July, I spent the week with Restoration Church of Sanford, the church I will partner with to bring Freeway to Florida. Many people have asked me “Do you have a church in Sanford you’ll be partnering with yet?” My answer is, “Of course! A freeway can not launch (nor any freeway exist) without the local church.”
I will be honest, it can be intimidating meeting a new church and, in this case, with hopes of partnering for ministry. “Is the church going to like me, Are they going to be nice,” might rush through ones head.
Over the last three years I have been blessed to be a member of Crossway Baptist Church. It is safe to say the church folk down at Restoration Church of Sanford would fit in great at Crossway. All my fears quickly vanished when I met them. What great confirmation from the Lord!
Through this visit I learned this church is already sharing the Gospel with the hard to reach, passing out food to those in need, and running after people who most run from. These are all things Freeway Sanford will continue once launched.
Sanford Team visits World Headquarters
Towards the end of August a group from Restoration Church of Sanford spent a weekend visiting Freeway World Headquarters. Much of the feedback from the team was, “I could not imagine it being anything like this.”
The team learned that you cannot know what Freeway is like until you visit a Saturday night service. During their time up here they heard testimonies, visited the discipleship homes, shadowed volunteers, and experienced a Saturday night service. The team went back to Florida encouraged, inspired, and motivated to be an extension of Freeway.
Freeway Sanford at Save Our City 2022
Thank you all who visited the Freeway Sanford booth! I still have to pinch myself to see if I am awake or dreaming for the things the Lord has called me to do. At Save Our City Freeway Sanford had many signup for our newsletter. I invited many to my official send off, and most importantly had revival in my heart through the preaching of the word!
It was great communicating with other booths to hear how God is moving across this nation, not just in Sanford. And I want to congratulate Ty Sells for winning the gift cards through signing up for this newsletter.
Official Mission Sendoff
I want to invite you to the Saturday night Freeway World Headquarters service on September 24th. Freeway will officially be sending me out as a missionary on this night. Send off services are always special and I look forward to all the emotional support that I can have on this night. This will be an amazing night full of tears sending me out and saying “goodbye” to the Springfield area. Once sent out I will continue burrowing my roots in Sanford Florida.
In the picture above is a photo of me taken at the 2021 Baptist Bible College alumni event. That evening I was serving behind the Freeway World Headquarters booth. I met two pastors their who were amazed at what Freeway was doing. They told me they were from the Orlando area, and I thought, “Wow wouldn’t that be amazing to see a Freeway Launched in Florida.”
Fast forward to one year later…. The 2022 Baptist Bible College alumni event comes around. Pastor John Stroup invites me to lunch at the Kearney Street Café to meet with two pastors from Florida. I arrive to this meeting with literally no idea what to expect. I pull up to the café and the two pastors step out of John’s car. I realize, “Hey these are the two pastors I met at last years BBC alumni event.” And the rest is God’s story.
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We’re praying for you brother! Looking forward to hearing what the Lord does in and through you! No matter what comes keep your eyes on the King!